Module:No globals

From Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
Revision as of 20:51, 19 February 2015 by meta>Peteforsyth (5 revisions imported from w:Module:No_globals: Attempting, per request from User:Titodutta. I'm not sure if "w" is the right source wiki (only a few options in drop-down menu))
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local mt = getmetatable(_G) or {} function mt.__index (t, k) if k ~= 'arg' then error('Tried to read nil global ' .. tostring(k), 2) end return nil end function mt.__newindex(t, k, v) if k ~= 'arg' then error('Tried to write global ' .. tostring(k), 2) end rawset(t, k, v) end setmetatable(_G, mt)