Module:No globals
Revision as of 20:38, 23 April 2014 by mw>Jackmcbarn (←Created page with 'local mt = getmetatable(_G) or {} local oldIndex = mt.__index or function() return nil end mt.__index = function(t, k) if k ~= 'name' and k ~= 'arg' then erro...')
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:No globals/doc
local mt = getmetatable(_G) or {} local oldIndex = mt.__index or function() return nil end mt.__index = function(t, k) if k ~= 'name' and k ~= 'arg' then error('Tried to read nil global ' .. tostring(k), 2) end return oldIndex(t, k) end local oldNewindex = mt.__newindex or rawset function mt.__newindex(t, k, v) if k ~= 'name' and k ~= 'arg' then error('Tried to write global ' .. tostring(k), 2) end oldNewindex(t, k, v) end setmetatable(_G, mt)