< Module:Documentation
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Revision as of 11:54, 2 January 2014 by mw>Mr. Stradivarius (make this more readable)
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Documentation/config/doc
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Configuration for Module:Documentation -- -- Here you can set the values of the parameters and messages used in Module:Documentation to -- localise it to your wiki and your language. Unless specified otherwise, values given here -- should be string values. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local cfg = {} -- Do not edit this line. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Protection template configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- cfg.protectionTemplate -- The name of the template that displays the protection icon (a padlock on enwiki). cfg.protectionTemplate = 'pp-template' -- cfg.protectionTemplateArgs -- Any arguments to send to the protection template. cfg.protectionTemplateArgs = {docusage = 'yes'} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sandbox template configuration -- -- On sandbox pages the module can display a template notifying users that the current page is a -- sandbox, and the location of test cases pages, etc. The module decides whether the page is a -- sandbox or not based on the value of cfg.sandboxSubpage. The following settings configure which -- template is displayed and what the arguments passed to it are. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- cfg.sandboxNoticeTemplate -- The name of the template to display at the top of sandbox pages. cfg.sandboxNoticeTemplate = 'template sandbox notice' -- cfg.sandboxNoticeLivepageParam -- The parameter of the sandbox notice template to send the cfg.livepageArg to. cfg.sandboxNoticeLivepageParam = 1 -- cfg.livepageArg -- The name of one of the module arguments. The value of this argument should be the main template -- page (i.e. the "live" template). This is passed to the parameter cfg.sandboxNoticeLivepageParam of -- the template cfg.sandboxNoticeTemplate. cfg.livepageArg = 'livepage' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Start box configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- cfg.documentationIconWikitext -- The wikitext for the icon shown at the top of the template. cfg.documentationIconWikitext = '[[File:Template-info.png|50px|link=|alt=Documentation icon]]' -- cfg.headingArg -- Custom heading used in the start box. cfg.headingArg = 'heading' -- cfg.headingStyleArg -- Custom CSS style for the start box heading. cfg.headingStyleArg = 'heading-style' -- cfg.templateNamespaceHeading -- The heading shown in the template namespace. cfg.templateNamespaceHeading = 'Template documentation' -- cfg.moduleNamespaceHeading -- The heading shown in the module namespace. cfg.moduleNamespaceHeading = 'Module documentation' -- cfg.fileNamespaceHeading -- The heading shown in the file namespace. cfg.fileNamespaceHeading = 'Summary' -- cfg.otherNamespacesHeading -- The heading shown in other namespaces. cfg.otherNamespacesHeading = 'Documentation' -- cfg.viewLinkDisplay -- The text to display for "view" links. cfg.viewLinkDisplay = 'view' -- cfg.editLinkDisplay -- The text to display for "edit" links. cfg.editLinkDisplay = 'edit' -- cfg.historyLinkDisplay -- The text to display for "history" links. cfg.historyLinkDisplay = 'history' -- cfg.purgeLinkDisplay -- The text to display for "purge" links. cfg.purgeLinkDisplay = 'purge' -- cfg.createLinkDisplay -- The text to display for "create" links. cfg.createLinkDisplay = 'create' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Preload configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- cfg.preloadArg -- Custom preload page for creating documentation. cfg.preloadArg = 'preload' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Documentation content configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- cfg.contentArg -- Passes documentation content directly from the {{documentation}} invocation. cfg.contentArg = 'content' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Link box (end box) configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- cfg.linkBoxArg -- Specifies a custom link box (end box) or prevents it from being generated. cfg.linkBoxArg = 'link box' -- cfg.linkBoxOff -- The value to send to cfg.linkBoxArg to turn the link box off. cfg.linkBoxOff = 'off' -- cfg.transcludedFromBlurb -- Notice displayed when the docs are transcluded from another page. $1 is a wikilink to that page. cfg.transcludedFromBlurb = 'The above [[Wikipedia:Template documentation|documentation]] is [[Wikipedia:Transclusion|transcluded]] from $1.' -- cfg.createModuleDocBlurb -- Notice displayed in the module namespace when the documentation subpage does not exist. -- $1 is a link to create the documentation page with the preload cfg.modulePreload and the -- display cfg.createLinkDisplay. cfg.createModuleDocBlurb = 'You might want to $1 a documentation page for this [[Wikipedia:Lua|Scribunto module]].' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Experiment blurb configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- cfg.experimentBlurb -- This is the text inviting editors to experiment in sandbox and test cases pages. It is only -- shown in the template and module namespaces. With the default English settings, it might look -- like this: -- -- Editors can experiment in this template's sandbox (edit | diff) and testcases (edit) pages. -- -- In this example, "sandbox", "edit", "diff", "testcases", and "edit" would all be links. -- -- Parameters: -- -- $1 is the possessive name for "module" or "template", set by cfg.templatePossessive or -- cfg.modulePossessive depending on what namespace we are in. -- -- $2 is a link to the sandbox page. If the sandbox exists, it is in the following format: -- -- cfg.sandboxLinkDisplay (cfg.sandboxEditLinkDisplay | cfg.compareLinkDisplay) -- -- If the sandbox doesn't exist, it is in the format: -- -- cfg.sandboxLinkDisplay (cfg.sandboxCreateLinkDisplay | cfg.mirrorLinkDisplay) -- -- The link for cfg.sandboxCreateLinkDisplay link preloads the page with cfg.templateSandboxPreload -- or cfg.moduleSandboxPreload, depending on the current namespace. The link for cfg.mirrorLinkDisplay -- loads a default edit summary of cfg.mirrorEditSummary. -- -- $3 is a link to the test cases page. If the test cases page exists, it is in the following format: -- -- cfg.testcasesLinkDisplay (cfg.testcasesEditLinkDisplay) -- -- If the test cases page doesn't exist, it is in the format: -- -- cfg.testcasesLinkDisplay (cfg.testcasesCreateLinkDisplay) -- -- If the test cases page doesn't exist, the link for cfg.testcasesCreateLinkDisplay preloads the -- page with cfg.templateTestcasesPreload or cfg.moduleTestcasesPreload, depending on the current -- namespace. cfg.experimentBlurb = 'Editors can experiment in this $1 $2 and $3 pages.' -- cfg.templatePossessive -- Possessive case for "template". cfg.templatePossessive = "template's" -- cfg.modulePossessive -- Possessive case for "module". cfg.modulePossessive = "module's" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sandbox link configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- cfg.sandboxSubpage -- The name of the template subpage typically used for sandboxes. cfg.sandboxSubpage = 'sandbox' -- cfg.templateSandboxPreload -- Preload file for template sandbox pages. cfg.templateSandboxPreload = 'Template:Documentation/preload-sandbox' -- cfg.moduleSandboxPreload -- Preload file for Lua module sandbox pages. cfg.moduleSandboxPreload = 'Template:Documentation/preload-module-sandbox' -- cfg.sandboxLinkDisplay -- The text to display for "sandbox" links. cfg.sandboxLinkDisplay = 'sandbox' -- cfg.sandboxEditLinkDisplay -- The text to display for sandbox "edit" links. cfg.sandboxEditLinkDisplay = 'edit' -- cfg.sandboxCreateLinkDisplay -- The text to display for sandbox "create" links. cfg.sandboxCreateLinkDisplay = 'create' -- cfg.compareLinkDisplay -- The text to display for "compare" links. cfg.compareLinkDisplay = 'diff' -- cfg.mirrorEditSummary -- The default edit summary to use when a user clicks the "mirror" link. $1 is a wikilink to the -- template page. cfg.mirrorEditSummary = 'Create sandbox version of $1' -- cfg.mirrorLinkDisplay -- The text to display for "mirror" links. cfg.mirrorLinkDisplay = 'mirror' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Test cases link configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- cfg.testcasesSubpage -- The name of the template subpage typically used for test cases. cfg.testcasesSubpage = 'testcases' -- cfg.templateTestcasesPreload -- Preload file for template test cases pages. cfg.templateTestcasesPreload = 'Template:Documentation/preload-testcases' -- cfg.moduleTestcasesPreload -- Preload file for Lua module test cases pages. cfg.moduleTestcasesPreload = 'Template:Documentation/preload-module-testcases' -- cfg.testcasesLinkDisplay -- The text to display for "testcases" links. cfg.testcasesLinkDisplay = 'testcases' -- cfg.testcasesEditLinkDisplay -- The text to display for test cases "edit" links. cfg.testcasesEditLinkDisplay = 'edit' -- cfg.testcasesCreateLinkDisplay -- The text to display for test cases "create" links. cfg.testcasesCreateLinkDisplay = 'create' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Add categories blurb configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- cfg.addCategoriesBlurb -- Text to direct users to add categories to the /doc subpage. Not used if the "content" or -- "docname fed" arguments are set, as then it is not clear where to add the categories. $1 is a -- link to the /doc subpage with a display value of cfg.docLinkDisplay. cfg.addCategoriesBlurb = 'Please add categories to the $1 subpage.' -- cfg.docLinkDisplay -- The text to display when linking to the /doc subpage. cfg.docLinkDisplay = '/' .. cfg.docSubpage ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Subpages link configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- cfg.subpagesLinkDisplay -- The text to display for the "subpages of this page" link. $1 is cfg.templatePagetype, -- cfg.modulePagetype or cfg.defaultPagetype, depending on whether the current page is in th -- e template namespace, the module namespace, or another namespace. cfg.subpagesLinkDisplay = 'Subpages of this $1' -- cfg.templatePagetype -- The pagetype to display for template pages. cfg.templatePagetype = 'template' -- cfg.modulePagetype -- The pagetype to display for Lua module pages. cfg.modulePagetype = 'module' -- cfg.defaultPagetype -- The pagetype to display for pages other than templates or Lua modules. cfg.defaultPagetype = 'page' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Doc link configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- cfg.docSubpage -- The name of the subpage typically used for documentation pages. cfg.docSubpage = 'doc' -- cfg.fileDocpagePreload -- Preload file for documentation page in the file namespace. cfg.fileDocpagePreload = 'Template:Documentation/preload-filespace' -- cfg.docpagePreload -- Preload file for template documentation pages in all namespaces. cfg.docpagePreload = 'Template:Documentation/preload' -- cfg.modulePreload -- Preload file for Lua module documentation pages. cfg.modulePreload = 'Template:Documentation/preload-module-doc' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Print version configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- cfg.printSubpage -- The name of the template subpage used for print versions. cfg.printSubpage = 'Print' -- cfg.printLinkDisplay -- The text to display when linking to the /doc subpage. cfg.printLinkDisplay = '/' .. cfg.printSubpage -- cfg.printBlurb -- Text to display if a /Print subpage exists. $1 is a link to the subpage with a display value of cfg.printLinkDisplay. cfg.printBlurb = 'A [[Help:Books/for experts#Improving the book layout|print version]] of this template exists at $1.' .. ' If you make a change to this template, please update the print version as well.' -- cfg.displayPrintCategory -- Set to true to enable output of cfg.printCategory if a /Print subpage exists. cfg.displayPrintCategory = true -- cfg.printCategory -- Category to output if cfg.displayPrintCategory is set to true, and a /Print subpage exists. cfg.printCategory = 'Templates with print versions' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- HTML and CSS configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- cfg.mainDivId -- The "id" attribute of the main HTML "div" tag. cfg.mainDivId = 'template-documentation' -- cfg.mainDivClasses -- The CSS classes added to the main HTML "div" tag. cfg.mainDivClasses = 'template-documentation iezoomfix' -- cfg.startBoxLinkclasses -- The CSS classes used for the [view][edit][history] or [create] links in the start box. cfg.startBoxLinkclasses = 'mw-editsection plainlinks' -- cfg.startBoxLinkId -- The HTML "id" attribute for the links in the start box. cfg.startBoxLinkId = 'doc_editlinks' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- {{fmbox}} template configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- cfg.fmboxIdParam -- The name of the "id" parameter of {{fmbox}}. cfg.fmboxIdParam = 'id' -- cfg.fmboxId -- The id sent to the "id" parameter of the {{fmbox}} template. cfg.fmboxId = 'documentation-meta-data' -- cfg.fmboxImageParam -- The name of the "image" parameter of {{fmbox}}. cfg.fmboxImageParam = 'image' -- cfg.fmboxImageNone -- The value to suppress image output from the "image" parameter of {{fmbox}}. cfg.fmboxImageNone = 'none' -- cfg.fmboxStyleParam -- The name of the "style" parameter of {{fmbox}}. cfg.fmboxStyleParam = 'style' -- cfg.fmboxStyle -- The value sent to the style parameter of {{fmbox}}. cfg.fmboxStyle = 'background-color: #ecfcf4' -- cfg.fmboxTextstyleParam -- The name of the "textstyle" parameter of {{fmbox}}. cfg.fmboxTextstyleParam = 'textstyle' -- cfg.fmboxTextstyle -- The value sent to the "textstyle parameter of {{fmbox}}. cfg.fmboxTextstyle = 'font-style: italic' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Tracking category configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- cfg.displayStrangeUsageCategory -- Set to true to enable output of cfg.strangeUsageCategory if the module is used on a /doc subpage -- or a /testcases subpage. cfg.displayStrangeUsageCategory = true -- cfg.strangeUsageCategory -- Category to output if cfg.displayStrangeUsageCategory is set to true and the module is used on a -- /doc subpage or a /testcases subpage. cfg.strangeUsageCategory = 'Wikipedia pages with strange ((documentation)) usage' -- cfg.strangeUsageCategoryMainspaceSort -- Category sort key prefix to use for cfg.strangeUsageCategory in the main namespace. The prefix -- is followed by the full page name. cfg.strangeUsageCategoryMainspaceSort = 'Main:' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- End configuration -- -- Don't edit anything below this line. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- return cfg