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  • 14:17, 7 June 2023IT:Remote Desktop (hist | edit) ‎[2,698 bytes]Ambrish (talk | contribs) (Created page with "To use Remote desktop to connect to AOS computers, a client software is needed. The tested clients for the different OSes are given below: # Windows: Remote Desktop Connection App, which is installed by default on most computers. # MacOS: You will need to install Microsoft Remote Desktop from the AppStore. Please connect to the Canadian App store (Change your country settings to your Canadian account in the App store). Search for Microsoft Remote Desktop, and install...") originally created as "IT:remoteDesktop"
  • 20:30, 10 May 2023Software:Python (MiniConda) (hist | edit) ‎[2,357 bytes]Ambrish (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Using Python == Python is already installed on all Linux workstations. '''However''' the python istalled is used by the system packages, and cannot be updated. For general programming, and to have more current versions of python, and dependencies, I recommend the installation of conda/miniconda in your home directory. In this way, you can manage the versions of numpy, scipy, jupyter etc independently of the python that is installed on the system === Miniconda Insta...")
  • 19:37, 5 May 2023IT:File Transfer (rsync and scp) (hist | edit) ‎[1,534 bytes]Ambrish (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=Rsync= rsync is the standard way of transferring files between linux systems. A summary knowledge of the various flags/options of rsync will allow you to be more efficient transferring to/from AOS Linux, and Compute Canada/Calcul Quebec servers. In Microsoft Windows you will need to use scp for file transfers, if you are not using an ssh client like MobaXterm, which has rsync. ==Generic rsync== The most basic usage of ssh will allow for a generic transfer between 2 ma...")