IT:Remote Access

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Revision as of 20:44, 27 June 2023 by Ambrish (talk | contribs)
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Connecting to Computers

There are 2 ways to connect to the departmental computers

  • If you are a McGill Student/Employee/Affliate is to use the McGill VPN. Please be advised that you need to be registered to two factor Authentication 2FA for McGill VPN. While on VPN, AOS computers see you as being on campus.


  • An alternative method is by using the 2 Jump Hosts directly accessible to you from outside the department.

These Jump Hosts are called

  1., also known as zephyr,

Once logged into zephyr, or jump, you may connect to any other computer in the department as if you were inside.

Please do not run your scripts/code on the Jump Hosts!

Connecting from Windows, Linux or OS X

Without graphics

Once you have connected to the gateway, OR are on VPN, you can use a ssh terminal to connect to any linux AOS workstation.


In Microsoft Windows(10+), you can run ssh through the "cmd" terminal (Start Menu --> Run --> cmd) or through PowerShell. On Linux or a Mac, you have a terminal by default.

You may be interested in using Software:tmux in combination with your SSH connections for long-running jobs.

With Graphics

You have 2 choices for running Graphical software on AOS machines

  1. XForwarding Using X-Forwarding on ssh
  2. Using Remote Desktop if on McGill VPN