IT:Getting Support

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Getting Support

If you require technical assistance, please send an email to In this email, it is helpful to have:

  1. A clear subject line describing, in short, your problem.
  2. A body describing your email with as much detail as possible.
  3. Should you require a visit from the IT staff, your availability for the day.
  4. Your computer's name.
  5. Your username.

Here's an example of a good email:

Subject: AOS-Jet-Duplex printer not working

Hi AOS Support, I'm having trouble printing to AOS-Jet-Duplex from my linux computer lappy. In OpenOffice, I select File -> Print but cannot find the printer AOS-Fox. I log in as ambrish. If you'd like to drop by, I'll be in my office for the next hour but plan to have some lunch. I should be back at around 3pm. Please send me a zoom invite if it is easier.



Here's an example of an email that could use some work:

Subject: Fwd: Fwd: Re: Hi

I can't print. HELP!

If email is not working on your computer, you may call the main IT support number at 514-398-3398.